Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Would Somebody Please Just Hug Miley Cyrus...

Well, I'm pretty sure I already failed on my promise to you to try and write 3 times a week... yes. I definitely failed on that.

Today I am making a public service announcement. PANTS ARE NECESSARY PEOPLE! Please please please do not attempt to follow in the footsteps of a certain starlet on the verge of a breakdown (*cough**cough* Miley Cyrus).

The pantsless-ness must stop. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD MAKE IT STOP! Maybe she suffered some sort of brain injury that makes her think that she's Pink now, not Miley Cyrus... yes, maybe that's it. I don't know when diaper-like fuzzy "shorts" became an acceptable alternative to pants but she doesn't stop there. It just keeps getting worse. WARNING: these pictures are frightening.

The first time I saw her in her new ever pantsless state was on the Today Show or Good Morning America or something like that. She was wearing the white fuzzy diaper dealy with thigh high black stiletto boots... Thigh high boots are also NOT PANTS. This other version of her pantsless performance wear has dropped the pretense of wearing shorts that are really not shorts and has gone full on underwear with thigh high boots and a weird jacket. I don't understand. Can someone help me?

There are endless pictures of her pantslessness which allowed me to discover that this problem began before she shaved her hair all off and decided she was no longer going to be "wholesome" because that's just not her anymore. I thought it came after the hair... I guess you ditch your pants first and then do your hair to match your now "edgier" look.

I've never been a Miley fan because I've never seen any real talent come out of her, but what is really bothering me now is that this girl is on the edge of a break down and nobody seems to care. They all praise her for her "transformation" and "being true to herself" but nobody has sat down and said "Sweetheart, do you need a hug?" Have you listened to her latest song? If you haven't, don't. It's incredibly sad to see her new self and watch her try desperately to convince herself and the world that she's ok. Sadly, these are some of her less scandalous and borderline porn star looks she's worn over the past year.

Miley, if you can't bring yourself to put pants on in the morning it's ok... we've all been there. However, it would probably be best to muster the strength to do so before you perform on national television. Just sayin'.

I bring all this to your attention to remind everyone that pants are not optional (unless of course your nether regions are covered by a dress or skirt... and I mean actually covered!). Do you hear me? NOT OPTIONAL!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

You're Still Here?

I can't believe any of you are still here! Thanks for stopping by even when I fail to write for 4 months. Seriously. Thank you!

I've made it one of my goals to write 4 days a week until the baby comes, and then we'll see what I can muster. So, with that said, what do you want to know? We haven't done a Q&A in awhile, so I thought that help to give me some ideas since right now clothes are my arch nemesis. Let's just say being just about 8 months pregnant in the California heat of July is not making me a happy camper. It's only going to get worse around these parts so I'm just trying to find some clothes that fit me and don't make me feel claustrophobic. I have an idea! To all of my readers who have been pregnant during the summer, what did you wear? I would be especially interested to hear what you wore if you carried your baby really low like I am. I'd love to hear what you wore and what you did to survive summer!

I have never been an every day dress wearer, so it's hard for me that the things that seem to work the best are dresses. I miss pants. I really do. We will have a sweet sweet reunion after the heat subsides a bit and this super active little munchkin is finally here.

So, ask lots of questions and if you've been pregnant in the summer tell me how you survived! We'll get this train rolling again, I promise!