I have hope this year once again that we will have Fall. I am NOT giving up. I will never give up. Here's my reasoning: For starters, usually around this time of year it is over 100 degrees outside consistently. This year, it is not. It was early on in June and July, but that was about it. I have decided that this means that Southern California has decided to not torture us all with a 6 month summer, but let us gradually slip into that most glorious of seasons in September like most of the country does. I know, I know you all think I'm crazy but I will not give up hope! I am hopeful that by the time my daughter comes in September that we will no longer have 80 degree days and we will start to see the leaves and the air changing. Is this starting to sound like an "I Have a Dream" speech? I'm telling you, I really love Fall!
So, now that you know how deeply passionate I am about Fall, you can also understand how deeply passionate I am about Fall clothing. It really is just the best. Most the time it doesn't require big heavy coats that are annoying when you are going in and out of stores running errands, and usually it means apple pie... oh wait, that doesn't have to do with clothing... but still, I feel it's important. I've put together a little teaser to make you all want Fall weather as badly as I do.
How gorgeous and easy is this? Anyone can put this look together as long as you have classic pieces. I know those tights might be a little too funky for some people's taste, so if you prefer just simple black tights then go for it! I just thought they were fun and added a little unique detail to the outfit. If you are still under the belief that black and brown don't go together, then you are just wrong and should move past that belief and embrace the fact that black and brown (especially black and paler tones of brown) are glorious together and super classy.
When working with simple and classic pieces you can throw in little bits of personality if you want. I put in the leopard belt because I love leopard print and I love how the belt is still muted and not overwhelming, but adds a bit of fun detail. You could totally use a brown belt or not wear a belt at all depending on the style of black dress you have.
Note on dress length: If you are 50 and over it's probably best to keep the dress knee length. If you are wearing heeled boots with it you could even go just below your knee (not with flat boots though!). It also depends on the height of your boot. You don't want the top of the boot shaft and the hem of your dress to meet in this situation.
If you are under 50 and comfortable with it you could go mid thigh to knee length on your dress. Just use your best judgement on what is too short and too tight (that goes for all of you!!). This outfit could go from classy to trampy pretty quickly if you wear a dress that is too tight or too short (or worse, both!).
So, in closing... Keep it classy Southern Creative readers, keep it classy.
Be honest, how many of you wish it was cool enough to wear this outfit now?
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