Tuesday, April 9, 2013

No One Can See Your Tag.. Just Buy Clothes That Fit.

I was going through my clothes the other day in order to decide what I really need to get rid of and what I want to keep for post baby. This is when it hit me. Almost none of my clothes are the same size. None!! Since High School my pants sizes have ranged from a size 6 to a size 12 depending on the brand. Dresses range from size 2 to size 12, and I don't even want to talk about how different my skirt sizes are. So in order to keep my sanity, this is my new mantra when it comes to buying clothes: "No one can see your tag, so just buy clothes that fit." In other words, we have to let go of our preconceived notions about what size we should be because that is an impossible number to attain. Sizes change from designer to designer and sadly, from one pair of pants to another. Because clothes are sewn, they can be sewn differently each time.

Alas, we just have to try things on and try them on and try them on. Don't worry about the size! It doesn't mean you've gained weight, and sadly sometimes it doesn't mean you've lost weight. I struggle with this every time I go shopping (not so much now because I have this large belly situation going on for awhile longer!), and it is totally understandable. However, you can either spend your life freaking out over what size you think you are or should be, or you can make a decision to buy clothes that fit regardless of what the tag says. Why should the tag matter? If you are healthy, happy, and confident then get clothes that fit and walk out of that store with your head held high because your worth has nothing to do with what that tag says anyway.

Who wants to join my "who cares what that tag says" club?

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