Friday, March 9, 2012

Secrets Can Make Friends.. I.E. How To Shop On Little to No Money

I have this problem. I like things I could never afford. Since this problem is not going away for the forseeable future, and I have this suspicion that I would have a very difficult time paying $400+ for a pair of shoes even if I could afford them, I am forced to find ways to imitate what I see and fall in love with.

It's actually a lot of fun believe it or not! I consider it a challenge to find items of clothing or accessories or shoes that look really expensive (or originally were very expensive) for as cheap as possible. I rarely buy anything that isn't on sale unless it was cheap to begin with (even then it feels better when it's on sale!) so it makes shopping a little more difficult, and it means that I can't just buy whatever I see, but it also means that I get to go shopping more often because I am "keeping an eye" on certain pieces of clothing to see when they go on sale and how cheap they can get. I once waited about two months for a shirt that I really liked and I ended up getting it for $4. This is risky, but fun nonetheless. My motto is, "if it's not still here in the right size and color when it goes down as low as I want it to, then it wasn't meant to be mine." Is that sad that I have a motto about bargain shopping?

I am going to reveal my secrets to you now so listen carefully.

1). TJ Maxx and Marshalls: I would cry if they ever took these stores away from me. I own a pair of $300 shoes because I found them at Marshalls for $20.

2). H&M: This is one of the few stores that I can buy things at regular price, and they are awesome. They tend to have a good selection of retro clothing which I love so I go into conniptions whenever I walk in there. P.S. They are opening one at the Temecula mall. I did a happy dance when I saw the sign.

3). Target: You know what I mean.

4). Forever 21: This store overwhelms me. However, if you can block out the horrible music, bright florescent lighting, and the hordes of Jr. High girls, you can find some really great deals. Especially on jewelry. I bought a necklace there for $3.50 and I love it.

5). Anthropologie sale section: Check it every few days at least and sometimes you can find some really great deals. I got a $120 sweatshirt for $10 about a year ago.

Alright, now you have them. My not so secret bargain shopping secrets.


  1. How about Ritzy Rags?? That's my go-to place. Let other women pay full price, wear it a few times, or not at all and then sell it on consignment. It's a beautiful thing. . .

  2. Thanks for the suggestion! I'll be honest, sometimes I have a hard time with consignment store clothes, but other times i'm fine with it! I guess it just depends on the smell of the store :-). That's a good one though!
