Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Wedding Bliss: Bridesmaids 101

Dear Brides,

Don't punish your friends! These people are (allegedly) your best friends and the most important people in your life so treat them that way. Think about them and their body shapes when you think about dresses and create the look for your bridesmaids around that instead of just what you want. Keep the dresses flattering and if you must let them pick their own style so they can look their absolute best. If you are totally against letting them pick their own style, then make sure you pick one that looks good on every body type or else their discomfort will show in all your pictures. Do you really want that? I didn't think so.

The color combinations, jewelry options, shoe possibilities, and dress styles are almost endless so I can't show you everything but I wanted to put together two different outfits just for a visual aide.

Bridesmaids 101

Rule of Thumb: keep the colors complimentary but not too matchy matchy when it comes to shoes and jewelry.

If you want to go for a super classic look (and by classic I mean timeless and beautiful, not 80's) you could do something like the grey and blue outfit above. The grey dress is simple but gorgeous and flattering on almost any body type. The royal blue heels and earrings are a great pop of color but don't overwhelm the simple dress. I love pearls with grey, they are both so timeless.

If you are going for a little more of an edgy look, the black, red, and gold are awesome. These might seem strange for a wedding, but if it's not outdoors in the summer you could really pull it off. I love this dress and red shoes are always fantastic. Because of the color combo and the detail on the dress I kept the jewelry simple and understated.

Bottom Line: No matter your wedding style think about your bridesmaids! Also, keep in mind how much money the outfit will cost altogether unless you are funding it yourself.

I also highly recommend including your bridesmaids in the process of picking out the outfits they are going to wear. Make them feel important, included, and special! Also, make sure you get them gifts. Don't be stingy when it comes to the people who are shelling out quite a bit of money, time, and energy to be part of your special day.

A Fellow Future Bride

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