Thursday, May 31, 2012

Gratefulness Part II

Alright Southern Creative readers, it's time for some audience participation. I want to know what you are grateful for in regards to your body and fashion. It's so easy to get caught up in insecurity, so I want to help us all dwell on what we love about our lives and our bodies even if it really is what we're insecure about. Maybe we can minimize our insecurities just a little bit.

So do this for me. Please? Either post in the comments here on this post or e-mail me at and give me your list! I don't care how long or short it is, just go for it! Speak from your heart and tell me how you feel (or how you want to feel!).

I've asked for some audience participation before and the turn out has been a little sad most of the time, so please, please, please, take a few minutes and do this little favor for me. If you humor me in this way I promise i'll go back to posting about clothes. Thanks friends!


  1. I am grateful for the gym, the great fashion equalizer. Beacause sweat covers a multitude of brands.

  2. I am thankful for the Heath chest region gene. It makes buying and wearing clothes MUCH easier and normally looks better. :-) I am also thankful for fitted bermuda shorts because they dont accentuate my LARGE lower half they make me look pretty awesome.
