Tuesday, May 29, 2012

I Choose to Be Grateful... Especially for Betsy Johnson.

In all areas of life it is absolutely vital to remind yourself that you have some pretty incredible things to be grateful for. I particularly struggle with remembering to be intentionally grateful. Especially when it comes to certain things you just can't change about yourself. You might think it's weird that I'm writing a list of things on here that I'm grateful for related to fashion and body image, but I am. So deal with it and be grateful.

 I kid. Sort of.

I am grateful for:

1). Great shoes
2). A fiance who encourages me to wear high heels even though I'm already 3 inches taller than him. He's a stud.
3). The ability to cut the side seam of my shorts and add lace so that my substantial thighs don't get squeezed like sausages since almost all shorts are made for girls with thighs the size of my arm.
4). The ability to brighten my day just by putting on a really cute outfit.
5). The fact that I have all four of my limbs even if I wish two of them were half the size that they are.
6). The ability to work out so I can eat Chipotle and still fit in the clothes I love.
7). The ability to buy a size bigger when I eat Chipotle and don't work out like I promise myself I will.
8). Spanx.
9). Pencil Skirts
10). Spanx. Again.
11). That my friends and family don't judge me when I wear a t-shirt and jeans and don't do my hair or make-up.
12). The ability to feel feminine.
13). Being able to express my creativity in other areas since I can only draw stick figures.
14). An in home washer and dryer since I change my clothes 2-3 times a day.
15). The existence of color.
16). The wonderful things that black does for you in hiding things you want to hide.
17). That my fiance, friends, and family think I'm beautiful even when I don't hide what I want hidden.
18). A job that gives me the funds to express my creativity through the clothing I wear and through this blog.
19). A boss that also loves clothes.
20). Sisters who let me borrow their clothes. Even when they don't know I'm borrowing them.
21). Betsy Johnson being born and gracing the world with her absolutely insane style.

What are you grateful for?


  1. Number 20 made me laugh. I just got a new dress in the mail. So right now, I'm thankful for Kate Spade. And I think you're beautiful all the time.

  2. Oooo... I love Kate Spade too.
